New Path Forward

This is a quick update on my life path. From a young age, I was always deeply curious about the wonders of the universe. I was always a scientist deep down inside, always a mathematical person. I had decided I would study physics in high school, before that even. It was easy in high school, it was fun. But then I was accepted into Cornell and things jumped in difficulty. I did not want to put the effort in anymore. I cut corners, redirected my focus, and although had a decent time studying, keeping my grades at a solid B or below, doing productive research and feeling like I was really growing to be a professional scientist, I always felt a bit off. I was slowly getting worn down, and it got to the point where I simply did not have that same drive or interest as I previously had. The past year or so, I have struggled tremendously in my classes. I struggled tremendously internally. I had told myself I was going to push through the coursework and get my degree, but I believe that my insistence caused more harm than good. I was lying to myself, because at the same time as all of this, I had a flurry of thoughts sitting in my head:

“I wish I could just study poetry and literature all day.”

“I could wake up and write every day and not get bored.”

“This physics is getting in the way of what I am passionate about.”

It took me long enough, but I realized what I had to do. As of now, I am studying English Literature and Creative Writing at Cornell University. I will be completing a minor in physics soon enough. One day, I may return to physics, but for the time being, I will work on mastering my craft and being the artist I was made to be.

Big things are coming for me. I might be studying abroad next semester. I have been compiling poems for my next chapbook. I am soon to be Editor-in-Chief of Rainy Day at Cornell. I also have the opportunity to sharpen my literary skills. I am excited with this new path forward. I hope to one day impart my love of poetry onto others as an instructor. Let us see where life takes me.

C. Walker


10/19/2024 - Updates


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